The robot is shooting into the Speaker

Scrimmage at FTC Benelux Championship

Another week of hard work has passed and we have joined forces with Team Pi and Team Rembrandts at the FIRST Tech Challenge Benelux Championships at Avans Hogeschool! The past week we have been working on our finishing touches and we could not wait to see how our robot performed at the scrimmage!

It was a day of ups, and unfortunately lots of downs, but these are the moments where we learn! Unfortunately our lift was only just too low to lift the entire robot from the ground and the motor was just not strong enough to get the notes in the shooter… Both mechanisms broke during the day, but I can proudly say we got them back up and working better than before! At the end of the day we were able to consistently score into the Speaker and climbed higher than before! We had an amazing day at the Benelux Championships and were glad to show the current FIRST Tech Challenge teams what their future may look like!

Although build season is officially over, we are not yet done! During the off-season we will be focusing on improving the robot and learning the ins and outs of design so we can build a fire robot next year! During the off-season we will also put the focus on recruiting new team members and building our brand. We hope you will be following us as we figure out this awesome adventure known as FIRST!

Check out the video recap we made of the event below!