Building the Game Elements

Build season has begun! Although we are still waiting for our parts to arrive, we definitely haven’t been idle! Our team has been collecting all kinds of wood this past weekend and that wood has been used to build the field.

The past week was centered around building the game elements and figuring out the logistics. We decided on combining the amplifier and the note-source to save space as well as wood and this worked out great! To make sure this was possible we made a CAD design in SolidWorks before building it. This was also good practice to using CAD as we will be using this more often when designing our robot.

Everyone was excited to finally get started with our hands for the first time! Hopefully our parts will be coming in soon so we can get started on our very first robot. We will be participating in an FRC scrimmage organized by Team Rembrandts in competition week 0 on February 24th. We are all putting in maximum effort to ensure that we will have a functioning robot for this scrimmage and we hope to see you there!

If you want to see what our robot will look like, make sure to follow along on our blog and social media!