Drilling a hole into the drivetrain plate to mount the swerve modules

Our parts have arrived!

It has been a while but the time is finally here: after nearly 6 weeks our parts have finally arrived!

The past days we have been working hard to make up for lost time and the progress has been amazing! Our teammates have designed a custom bottom plate for the robot to fit the REV swerve modules that we put together. We want to thank sponsor Otten Machinefabriek for machining this plate for us and Hubo for providing screws!

We are a bit behind on where we hoped we would be, but this only means we will be working even harder! Our drivetrain is almost done and the upcoming weeks we will be focusing on the software and the rest of the robot. We want to add a shooter as well as a climber to our robot, so we are designing some prototypes for this in SolidWorks before producing them.

As we have limited access to materials, we always want to make sure that things are likely to work before we make them, and so far that has been working well for us!

Curious how to assemble a swerve drive? One of our engineers made a short tutorial below! If you can’t follow the steps, you can always slow the video down.😉